ASUS Video Copyright Usage Guideline

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This Guideline is for ASUS employees who have been authorized to access and use ASUS video from the ASUS Channel Site.

Employees are strictly required to comply with the ASUS Video Copyright Usage Guideline. Please note that you can only use ASUS videos under the license scope and as is, and are not allowed to edit, reformat or modify source files of ASUS videos in any way. You also acknowledge that you cannot release the source files of ASUS videos to any third party without the prior written permission.

There are two statuses based on the authorization of ASUS video from the ASUS Channel Site:
  1. Allowed to download
    • Refer to ASUS videos that have obtained the proper license for public broadcast, presentation and/or transmission.
    • Please comply with all the terms and conditions within the license scope of each ASUS video, such as Terms, Territory and related restrictions.
  2. Prohibited to download
    • For reference only.
    • Refer to the ASUS videos which ASUS does not obtain the license in whole or in parts, or the license of such ASUS video is expired or terminated
    • If you would like to use these prohibited ASUS videos, please submit the application form to and explain why such ASUS video is needed and how you plan to use it.
    • You are not allowed to use these prohibited ASUS videos unless the prior written permission is obtained.

To adequately protect the interests of ASUS and you, please comply with this Guideline and only use the ASUS videos within their license scope.

If you have any additional questions, please contact

Thank you for your cooperation!